Studio Policies
If you need to reschedule for whatever reason, and especially if you are not feeling well, it is requested for you to please make contact as soon as possible to reschedule. At least 24 hours notice is required. Clients cancelling within less than 24 hours of a scheduled appointment will be required to pay 100% of the services reserved.
Late Arrivals
Appointment times are as scheduled and cannot extend beyond the reserved time to accommodate late arrivals. Please be on time to your appointment. If you are late, the balance of the session time left will be completed and you will be charged the full rate for the session time that was booked.
Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition.
Draping will be used during the session – only the area being worked on will be uncovered.